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Anti Ragging policy & SGRC

Anti Ragging policy & SGRC

Students Grievances Redressal Committee

CLICK HERE to submit your grievance.


Appeal to all students

Ragging leads to HATE. That is the worst kind of feeling to have against anyone. Nobody knows the individual strengths and weaknesses. What might seem ‘mild’ to one may be really ‘harsh’ on another. For instance, there are a few students who are very sensitive and cannot even tolerate their own family members pulling their legs. So, when they are subjected to ragging sessions, where they are teased and their self-respect is attacked, they resort to extreme steps like suicide. Physical abuse is the worst kind of ragging.

Tips for freshers:

  • Do not dress snazzily, it will catch attention.
  • Keep a low profile.
  • Move about in groups. Respect your seniors and do not be too nervous in front of them.
  • If things go out of bounds, report to the authorities. Remember law prohibits ragging.

Tips for the seniors:

  • Originally ragging was meant to be form of social interaction, light hearted way to meet the freshers and to get acquainted with them. Make an effort to adhere to this ideology.
  • The freshers are by and large a timid lot. You ought to try and make them comfortable instead of enhancing their fears and apprehensions.
  • Light banter, jokes, teasing, innocent but foolish acts etc are fair enough but avoid physical violence at any level (in any degree) whatsoever.
  • Similarly do not force the youngsters to do things that have clear cut sexual overtones. Enjoyment is a must but it must be utterly devoid of vulgarity.
  • Treat the youngsters with kindness, care and sympathy, so that they are encouraged to look up to you, instead of hating you or avoiding you throughout the academic session.

Remember!! The Central Government has said, "We intend to abolish the practice of ragging and/or harassment from all Colleges and Institutions, in an effort to clean up the social stigma that it causes. In no other country's education institutions ragging takes place except in India. We intend to introduce stricter laws against ragging. Our objective is to make the campus areas free from any social injustice, mental, physical and/or sexual harassment that thousands of students face each year during their first few months in college. The enactment of the 'Prevention of Ragging in Colleges and Institutions Bill, 2005' would see the decline and finally abolition of ragging on campus areas."

Wishing A happy College Life to All Students!!!

Anti-Ragging Policy

Quality Homoeopathic Medical Education and moral values being the core driving ethics of Solan Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, towards turning out professionals of high caliber with strong sense of ethical judgments. Social integration of students’ population coming from different parts of the country with most diverse cultural and social back grounds becomes a matter of prime importance.

(1) ‘Ragging’ a social menace, as such has no place in academic environment of the college and determined efforts are required to be in place to prevent its occurrence at any point of time. Hence a balanced ‘anti-
ragging policy’ is adopted by the institution. An “Anti-Ragging committee” has been formed and brought into operation. Notice that displays the name of committee members can be seen on the college notice board.
(2) Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, during December 2007 has expressed concern over the incidents of ragging occurring in higher educational institutions and the need to eliminate it altogether.
(3) The report of the Raghavan Committee constituted as per directions of the Supreme Court of India has already been adopted by the University Grants Commission.
(4) The Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India has taken a serious note of the incidents of ragging and is of the view that stern action should be taken against those indulging in “ragging” so that
these incidents are not repeated and exemplary punishment is meted out to those indulging in it.
(5) Ragging is a criminal offence and lowers the standards of education. The ‘anti-ragging policy’ adopted by the institution takes care of preventive, procedural and punitive aspects of ragging based on the guidelines provided by Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, recommendations of the Raghavan Committee, instructions/guidelines issued by the University Grants Commission, Ministry of HRD (Govt. of India) and Govt. of Himachal Pradesh.

This policy encourages socialization of students to the academic environment of the institution, simultaneously discouraging and preventing any negative acts on parts of senior students, which goes
against the basic purpose of Socio academic integration. The ‘anti- ragging policy’ adopted by the institution therefore is aimed at:
1. Creation, Development and nurturing a conducive, socio-academic environment within the student population.
2. Generating and maintaining a high level of confidence within new entrants and their parents/guardians to perceive that fresh entrants to the institution are welcome and provided support, rather than being
harassed and intimidated.
3.  Prescribing deterrent measures for any violation of the “Anti- Ragging Policy” by way of disciplinary measures.

For the purpose of this policy ;
1.  “Institution” means Solan Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital.
2.  ‘Student’ includes any person who is enrolled for B.H.M.S course, with the institution including interns.
3.  ‘Hostel’- includes the place where freshers are accommodated through institutional or private arrangements.

4.  ‘Ragging’ is defined as;
(i) Any disorderly conduct, whether by words spoken or written or by an act, which has the affect of teasing or handling with rudeness any other students,  rowdy or undisciplined activities, which causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship or psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in a fresher or a junior student or asking the student to do any act or perform something, which such students will not do in the ordinary course and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame or embarrassment, so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of a fresher or a junior student.

(ii) Ragging has several aspects among others psychological, social, political, economic, cultural and academic dimensions. The Psychological aspects of ragging are seen to cause permanent damage to the victims’ personality. Such treatment of young and impressionable minds could result in traumatizing them and damaging their personalities beyond repair in the formative years of their lives.


1. Address of the Principal, Administrative Officer and Departmental In-charges Principal, Administrative Officer and Departmental Incharges, during their discussions with parents/guardians, admission aspirants/ fresh students at the time of counseling meets, new batch inaugurals and other such occasions, should invariably assure the students and parents about full protection and support against any attempts of ragging by seniors while briefly introducing the ‘Anti Ragging Policy’ of the institution. The efforts during such meets be directed towards achieving socio-academic integration of new students with the specific merit oriented environment of mutuality and trust of the institution.

2. Fresher’s Party
Seniors, be encouraged to organize, “Welcome Party” for new entrants. For this purpose an organizing committee will be constituted, out of senior students to whom, a senior faculty member will supervise. Such
a party, by senior students, be organized within first month, of the beginning of academic session.

3. Mentoring Cells
The institution has a ‘Mentoring Cell’- functioning under guidance of Senior Faculty and in direct supervision of the Principal. There are two senior student (one male and one female) mentors for a specified group of 10 junior students. Membership to the ‘mentoring cell’ by senior students would be on voluntary basis by inviting applications and nominating membership on yearly basis.

4. Watch and Ward arrangements
Each mentor should identify all vulnerable locations, and ensure keeping a constant vigil and watch at such locations including monitoring of the atmosphere and the environment at eating ‘Joints’ (Canteens, Cafes, ‘khoka’, Dhabas etc). Hostel / accommodations, where freshers are accommodated, are required to be carefully
guarded if necessary, by posting security personnel and placed in charge of a warden.

CLICK HERE to fill mandatory online Anti-Ragging undertaking. Students are required to submit final prints of undertaking to college office.

Any ragging incidents can be reported on following telephone Nos.: 

i) Minister of AYUSH Department, Govt. of Himachal Pradesh: 0177-2625400

ii) Principal Secretary AYUSH: 0177-2621904

iii) Director AYUSH: 0177-2622262

iv) Dr. Pawan Dewedi, Principal & Chairman Anti-Ragging Committee: 098053 87757

v) Mr Vishal Sharma, Admn. Officer : 098160 86657

vi) Mrs. Meenu Sharma, Warden, Girls Hostel:  098821 37069

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