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College Rules

College Rules

All the students shall comply with the college rules and regulations

Regular and punctual attendance in all class activities like lectures, practicals, clinical, tutorials and tests as well as in all college activities like guest lectures, seminars, sports and cultural & extra curricular activities are compulsory. Each student must maintain the minimum percentage of attendance (i.e. 75%) required in all the classes and college activities. Students, whose conduct and academic standards are found unsatisfactory, shall not be allowed to take the
University examinations. Any student who remains absent without intimation shall be fined @ Rs. 10/- per day.

A deficiency in the required number of lectures, clinical and practical may be condoned by the Principal, under special circumstances, to the extent of 10%.

Leave of absence from the classes must be taken from the Class Incharge. In case of illness, exceeding 15 days. a medical certificate from a Government Hospital duly stamped must be sent immediately.

If a students has a break of more than three weeks at a stretch in an academic session, his/her name will be struck off the rolls.

Students are not allowed to paste notices within the Institution without prior permission from the office of the Principal and are also forbidden to communicate with any outside authority directly. All such communications must be submitted through the Principal, who will forward these if considered suitable. Any student infringing this rule may be suspended.

Students must wear their chest plates, aprons and Identity Cards daily. Expenses for aprons & uniforms will be borne by the students themselves.

The college does not hold itself responsible for debts incurred by the students in any way.

Students must pay for all damages caused by them to library books and other college property. The students will pay for breakages of the apparatus, in excess of Rs.5/-.

The following are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN within the premises of the institution.

  1. Possession or use of alcoholic beverages.
  2. Possession or use of addictive or hallucinogenic drugs.
  3. Smoking and gambling.
  4. Possession or use of firearms or any lethal weapons.
  5. Loitering around, especially under the influence of alcohol.
  6. Use of mobile phones during classes.

The Honourable High Court in its order CWP No. 310 of 2004 has upheld the ban imposed by the state Govt. on Holding the gate meetings and slogan shouting etc. in Medical Colleges, Hospitals & Hostels attached thereof within a distance of 500 meters from these institutions. Violator can be prosecuted against for committing contempt of Court. This is apart from other suitable punitive action.

RAGGING of students has been banned by a court order and is strictly FORBIDDEN. Ragging is defined as willful injury, physical or mental to any fellow student. it also includes willfully degarding or humuliating a fellow student, whereby he/she suffers distress to mind or spirit (SEE ANTI RAGGING POLICY).

College fees must be paid in full by the due dates. Any students whose fees, together with the fine imposed found unpaid will be suspended from attending lectures, practicals, clinical classes etc. until the fees, dues have been paid. All dues must be cleared before filling of examination forms.

All irregularities, neglect of duties, breach of rules and indiscipline brought to the notice of the Principal, who in consultation with senior staff members shall deal the same as serious offence, for which an adverse entry in personal files/student record register will be made. The penalty may either be a written or verbal warning fine, suspension and /or removal as an office bearer of any committee and /or removal/expulsion from the college. The Principal is competent to remit the fine imposed by him.

In case a student leaves the course before completion due to any reason, he/she is liable to pay complete course fee to the institution.

Students are advised to read the notice board for all sorts of information. Ignorance of any fact circulated through any notice for reason of non perusal of the notice on the part of any student for whatever reason shall not entitle him/her to any special treatment.

Students should get their Practical record / Project work and other assignments signed from subject teacher, HOD & the Principal before commencement of annual theory exams.

Taking picture of any kind within the college premises without written permission is strictly forbidden.

Students must inform the office, if they change their address with telephones numbers. If they fail to do so, they will be held responsible for any lack of communication from the office.

The decision of the Principal/Management in all disputes would be final and binding on the students.